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Presentation And Education

Jen’s passion for gardening and the environment comes through in her presentations. Whether discussing new ecological trends or tried and true horticultural practices,Jen’s desire to share information and educate others is a key component of Jen’s Garden Solutions mandate. She
addresses corporate, municipal and community groups as well as organizes public or private workshops. Individualized coaching is also available.


Popular topics of conversation include Wildlife and Pollinator Gardens, Growing Native Plants, Gardens Responding to Climate Change, Selecting the Right Plant, Wonderful Weeds, Let’s Talk About Invasives, Disease and Our Trees, and so much more.

She offers workshops for Beginner Gardeners, Flower Design, Photographing Nature in Your Garden, Starting A Vegetable Garden, A Child’s Garden for the Senses, Edible Flowers, and is happy to collaborate and develop topics to meet the needs of the client

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